Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day to Remember

Today was exciting for this Southern Gal - The view from my window when I woke up this morning was this beauty!  The first decision was to scrap the plan to relax in the hammock!  We rarely see snow around these parts and this year we have already seen it in the air once - now here it sits. We've been freezing literally for a week with nothing to show for it, so here's our present from God.  

What already promised to be an exciting day as our nation once again joins together and enjoys the privilege of a peaceful transfer of power was multiplied by the joy of the school children across our entire state who got an extended MLK holiday due to our southern style blizzard!  Then multiply again by the excitement in the news rooms where the weather men are just as popular as the inaugural coverage!  Take a look here, this is about 10:30 in my town.  You can't even see a block down the road. It's just amazing!

Of course, after work was finished Sean and I took some time to play in the wonderland!  We took the dog sledding and ran the hills until we broke our ride.  Once we got home the neighbor children challenged us to a snowman contest.  This is what Sean and I whipped up - I call it "Portrait of a Dream Team".  We haven't named our snow person yet - but if it lasts a few days I'm sure we'll start calling it something.

1 comment:

Bob Johnson, Peddler said...

Nicely done, very pleasant thoughts.