Monday, March 2, 2009

Things that look pretty in the snow for $300 Alex.

Who would have thought that I'd get to see it again!  Now I'm all for a good snow day but rest assured I'm ready to feel the spring breeze again!  My daffodils were flattened so I looked for other pretty things - enjoy what we saw today!

Looks like this guy will be propped up a little longer...

Even a tree stump is awesome in the snow!

And, of course Savannah had the most fun of all - until she ran over a icy mud puddle.  We'll both be having a hot bath later!

I've been on this trail 100 times, and this is the first time I'd call it a wonderland.  My imagination went back to 5th grade... oh, the stories you could tell that start as you cross over here.

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