Saturday, December 20, 2008

The happiest kid in town!

Last week we saw some old friends and we met little JJ Long.  He is so cute you can be sure to see more of him in the future. 

It was pretty cold outside but he loves to laugh and play and how can you resist that smile!

This one is my favorite... I could watch that grin for days!  Look for more of this little one, his personality will certainly shine here again!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Saw Santa!

This past Saturday I went to my first annual Wake Forest Town Christmas Parade.  Well - it was my first in about 10 years anyway.  Lots of folks came out and we had a full range of marchers and the girl scouts said the cookies are coming next month!  Watch out!

Sean and I wished we had some mini trucks like these, and the perfectly dressed classic cars were a treat!

I waved and waved but Santa was only looking for the kids - I hope I'm still on the nice list! Merry Christmas to all - and to all a good night!