Friday, February 20, 2009

Oliver is 2!

So here's my classic Rough and Tumble!  Oliver is 2 and it's time for more pictures.  Don't let this first image fool you, he sat still for .3 seconds and those fast red shoes had me and mom running!  

I need to brush up on my little boy games... peek a boo is not for 2 year olds!

This is a sneaky smile - personality revealed!

Candy treats are not usually a suggested method of appeasement, however tempers can run high and candy is better than tears - and who can resist a lime sucker, covered in dirt!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Traveling to Yorktown

Recently, I had some good fortune and was able to visit Yorktown, VA while my husband worked near the town.  I got up early and walked the waterfront - it is such a beautiful place, but there was no one around to take my picture.  I think they all knew that it was going to be sunny and 20 degrees, and with that most normal folks stay inside.   But normal aside, here is me with one of my first attempts at a Self-Portrait.  

The Carrot Tree is the place to eat in Yorktown!  The carrot cake was so good that it disappeared from my plate before I could document that portion of the trip.  But my tummy assures you all that one slice of cake is worth the trip if you're eating it here!

Did I mention that I met General George Washington?  Of course it's me so I was too star struck to speak or ask for an autograph but I got this picture before security hauled me off!

Sean and I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at Jamestown as well.  Talk about a frolic in historyville...  This is the place you remember from your childhood (if you grew up in NC) where the guides dress up in costume and try to make you believe they really live there!  Maybe Sean will post some of his finer moments on facebook.

This is the Victory Monument, a beautiful reminder of the benefit from the struggles faced and endured by our ancestors.

In case you forgot your old history lessons - like I have, here is the official birth record for North Carolina!  If you ever have a chance to visit the historic parts of our nation - Do It!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Congratulations Cathy!

There was a great showing at the Women in Business Expo this week. Thank you to everyone who came out to see me and to those who just came to the Expo and happened by my table.  It was exciting to be a part of the community of local businesses.  

Cathy Dickerson is the lucky winner of a Free Mini Garden Session.  She was excited to be chosen at random from all the entry slips and you can look forward to seeing images from her session this Spring! 

Mini Spring Garden Sessions will be scheduled during April 2009.  Look for more details to follow and gear up to schedule your session.