Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chase is back!

You may remember this little pumpkin from his newborn and 3 month postings... and if not then meet him again!  This is my documentation of Chase's 6th month marker.
I wish my name would look this awesome on the wall!

He's such a flirt and I love it!  I think he recognized me on this visit which is encouraging.  This smile just melts me!

One day I'll learn the language of baby - until then I will continue to crack up and enjoy when they try to tell me the daily news.

He loves the horse and it's fairly useful as a colorful prop.

Now lounging in the play room, then of course babies get naked!  How can you resist naked baby pictures.  They love it.  Besides Naked = Freedom right?

And, you can't forget the 6 month old feet - still tiny and still precious!


Courtney said...

Great pictures Beth!

April said...

You stop it!! That is crazy cute!! OH what a doll baby!