Meet Chase Alexander. This baby is so sweet - he was a very peaceful sleeper, if you can't tell from these images. He woke up just long enough to eat and get some mommy lovin' then it was right back to snooze-ville. We will definitely see more from this little rock star in the future.
I know everyone loves baby pictures in black and white so here you go...
So, now Sean and I have proudly joined the club of overachievers that call themselves "Weekend Warriors" and we're not looking back. Starting on Friday we called for some expert help and Sean's dad came to the rescue! By Sunday lunch we had a brand new look to the same old kitchen. You'll see our before and all the way through to the after, please take note my talented workmen - the loads of weird tools - and the danger that faced us near the kitchen sink! I actually did feel a little shock once... but all fingers are still accounted for!
Here is a finished view of the other side with my appliances back in place! I still have yet to re-clutter my counter tops. I got used to them being empty and I can't bring myself to "need" my other stuff just yet.
I met this family because they were a part of the bridal party of a recent wedding. I was honored when they asked me to take their family portrait. The Williamson's live right here in Wake Forest so we shot around town and luckily we got a break from the heat. Pay attention, this is a great example of how dressing in similar colors can put a classic touch on any photo opportunity. We took the time to get to know each other and the images really show how much they love each other and how fun a session can be. Enjoy!
I think it was officially the hottest day of the year - but that wouldn't stop me from helping out a friend in need. I would have said yes sooner if I had know the bride would have such awesome taste in shoes! When you accent in Red you can never go wrong! A few pretty details to start the day... Now I'm on the lookout for my next red pair!
Sometimes the favors make all the difference - the guests were so happy to see the promise of shade, and I was happy to see the sea of RED! A few poses for the groups afterwards - these guys were making their own "fun in the sun".
At this point we should have all stopped to take some pointers from this guy who figured out the best way to beat the heat.
I love to see mom's and friends working hard to help build the memories!
And, for this beautiful opportunity we thank the woman who keeps me working... on my day's off. The one and only April Sirit of Evoke Photography. Here's a quick pose from my dear friend who I know is planning to blog much less appealing images of me as I earned my keep that day! All is fair when you're carrying a camera!
I think you can count sleeping babies as one of life's blessings. Even if you don't there's no denying that a sleeping baby is easier to photograph that a crying one - so, I started Sophia's first photo shoot by sneaking up on her at the end of her nap.
After a short snack she was ready to get down to business. She's a stunner - there's no denying it!
And who can resist baby feet?!?
Of course everyone had to get in on the fun - Big Brother and Big Sister are already loving her, I can hardly wait to get them all together again!
Here's another fun shoot - this time we were at the Rose Garden near Raleigh Little Theater. We had to start out fast because I didn't think about the fact that brides love to get married outside. That day the garden was booked and 100 white chairs were waiting to be filled. Luckily we did manage to get in and out unnoticed before the festivities began. And after the initial rush we were then able to skirt the edges for more photos and enjoy the wedding at the same time! The Millers wanted to mix it up and get their family portrait and their daughter's senior portrait done in the same morning. The boys had it easy, photos in the morning then off the hook - free to go get ice cream! Here's the family - Enjoy.